11:11 Habit

11:11 Habit TRIGGER: Seeing the time 11:11 SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Make a wish! i.e “I…

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5am Ball

5am Ball TRIGGER: 5:13am alarm SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: 1-2 times a week, drive to basketball…

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Clean Home

Getting in the habit of cleaning your house every week will provide a healthier environment…
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Dog Hair Care TRIGGER: Right after you feed your dog SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Brush out…

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Basketball Recipe

Basketball Shooter Recipe TRIGGER: Playing better basketball SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Go and play basketball taking…

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Journal Habit

Journal Recipe Trigger: Last thing during work day Small Enjoyable Steps: Write a list of…

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Nasal Breathing

Nasal Breathing TRIGGER: When you notice your mouth breathing with no real reason. SMALL ENJOYABLE…

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Calf Raises

Calf Raises TRIGGER: First thing after waking SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Do calf raises until you…

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Hydrate Recipe TRIGGER: Before leaving the house SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Fill up large water container…

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Enjoy People

Enjoy People Recipe TRIGGER: When seeing a stranger SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: Think what is one…

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Reading Recipe

READING HABIT Trigger: When commuting to work Small Enjoyable Steps: Listen to an enjoyable audiobook…

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007 Meditation

007 Meditation TRIGGER: morning shower SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: finish with cold water for at least…

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The Key Habit

Keys Recipe TRIGGER: when arriving home SMALL ENJOYABLE STEPS: put your keys in the same…

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